
Tell Me How I'm Supposed to Breathe with No Air Conditioning

The power at my house has been out for six hours, and with a room on the second floor and temperatures in the 100s, this place is literally a hot mess. Not to mention I have had the headache of headaches today. Basically it's a clusterfuck, and I am wondering if, when, and where I'm going to be able to get some much needed sleep tonight. Thankfully I have the battery on my netbook and the internet on my phone to provide me a place to bitch about it. 

Earlier in the day it was fine, but now that the lights are out, we're all pretty screwed. My roommate G asked, "Can't you stay with your boyfriend?" Brilliant idea, except that SCL is currently in MD visiting his parents. But, he does have a roommate. Brilliant! I'll just call up SCL, have him check in with his roommate, and I'll be all set with a bed and some AC. 

Or not. SCL's roommate works at the airport and often works until 11 at night. I suspected this might be the case, but feeling sweaty and desperate, I said, "Could you leave him a message to call me when he gets home? I'm pretty desperate at this point." 

Of course I am expecting SCL to say something along the lines of, "Oh, of course. I know how bad you've been feeling all day, so it really would be no trouble for me to leave him a message asking if you could come over." That's what I would say if the tables were turned. SCL's roommate is easy-going, friendly, and accommodating. And oh yeah, it's a fucking emergency situation. Okay, maybe not emergency, but definitely out of the ordinary circumstances. I wouldn't be asking unless I really needed to. 

But no, SCL wouldn't even ask on my behalf. God knows why--I guess he doesn't want to bug his roommate. I am certain that when the roommate finds out what happened, he'll be like, "Why didn't you come over?" I'm half tempted to just camp out over there until his roommate gets home. Needless to say, I am beyond annoyed at SCL and the fucking power not being fixed. 


  1. Oh ew. It's currently 81 in my apartment right now and I'm pissy over that. I can't even imagine anything hotter, especially with a headache! That's just sick.

    If you lived anywhere near me I'd totally let you come over and camp out right in front of the AC. It only makes our living room cold (hence the reason my bedroom is currently 81) but our couch is comfy.

    Feel better hon!

  2. Dude, my power never went out. Spare key will be under the mat tomorrow if you want to crash on my couch. It's July out there but it's November in here.

  3. Ugh, how frustrating. I've definitely had flatmates I wasn't very close to whom I'd be reluctant to ask favours of...but that does seem like a pretty minor thing.

  4. Oh gosh I would die without AC!

    C'mon SCL has to have mercy. This is the hottest summer of the century!

  5. Power came back on in the middle of the night, so I at least got a few hours of sweat-free sleep. Sheesh.

  6. I'm glad the power came back but man, knowing the kind of temps we've had the last few weeks makes me feel bad for anyone without AC this time of year. Granted my AC unit has like 5 ccs or something and I have a decapitated fan that really feels like it's just blowing hot air, but whatevs--at least it's something!

    Hope you feel better soon!

  7. Oh, gosh, I would die. I mean, I live in Florida so going even 10 minutes without air here is horrendous. I'm glad it came back on but still, horrible! I would've had to take a mental health day. ;)

  8. Man, I'm not sure I'd want to document every minute fight I have with my boyfriend. Sometimes it's nice to be able to forget the little ones. I'm not sure a blog is so conducive to that?

  9. Iris--Ha! Well, desperate times, my friend. When I wrote this I was alone and had no power, so no light to read, no TV to watch, nothing to distract me except my computer. I was annoyed, so I blogged. It was not my greatest moment! And I wouldn't call it a fight so much as me being annoyed at the world.

  10. Thank goodness you had the battery on your laptop and the internet on your phone! I think I'd rather swelter in the heat than go without cyber space!
    Read your other post as well about missing your roommate...or I gathered he was a roommate. Hope you settle into some normalcy soon! Take care!

  11. Hi Sandra! Yes, I was glad to have my laptop, too. As for the other post, SCL was a roommate of sorts...He is my boyfriend, but we've decided to live apart for the time being. I'm hoping it's a temporary thing.
